16 ways to make money over the weekend

(Last Updated On: February 28, 2016)

“To live within our means” is what I’m trying to breakthrough here. I know, you know that human wants are ever increasing. Don’t you wish there were many, many ways to make more money than you already do? Thank me for compiling this list of second jobs to help you earn some extras over the weekend.

  1. Craigslist them all: Do you realize that everything that you think of as a useless pile on can be a treasure for some? No, I’m not talking about your boyfriends here.aux_logo A number of useless things lying in your basement and store room can be sold off over this weekend and the next one. Make a list of them all and sell a few per weekend, on OLX probably. Easy pocket money, eh?

    Extra money: lifehacker.com
  2. Work Over time to be paid better. This means you’ll only have to spare your weekends taking job inventories, clearing back logs and cleaning the office. You’d be working in the same space, at your own pace with lesser chaos and making some extra money for the same.
  3. Babysit: I am nowhere close to picking this profession up for I cannot handle kids, I just can’t. But, you! Your ability to charm babies and nanny them can fetch you a good pocket money. Ensure mentioning your per hour rate beforehand.
  4. Craft selling is one creative and easy way to make money. Craft a piece one weekend and sell it off the next. You may even set up an e-commerce website to sell your handmade products or visit fairs to exhibit your products there. A lot of people try Pinterest crafts nowadays, yeah. Nothing to be scared about.
  5. Sing at those Gigs:
    Source: www.americantheatre.org
    Source: www.americantheatre.org

     Sell your musical talent out by singing at the famous restaurants and bars in your city on your free days. Always know the paying standards for the same. Sing, drink, score a date for me and yourself, yo! Who knows, you may end up taking someone home.

  6. Offer cleaning services through word of mouth advertising to help the elderly or the lazy in your neighborhood, just saying. Many suffer with stinking loads of money and an inability to clean, just saying! You may clean cars, garages, attics, gardens and whatsoever you like.

    Source: www.groupon.com
    Tutoring: www.groupon.com
  7. Tutor or train:  From simple tutoring to a professional personality development training, you may offer any services to make some bucks to spend on that dress you eye or the belt you wish to buy.
  8. Sell your work skills: If you are a dog person like me, walk and watch dogs. I know I can spend hours with a pooch and make loads of money out of it. You may even plug in that music to clean and manicure somebody’s garden.
  9. Doggie sit: Those who do not have time for their pets, afford people like you, me.
    Source: blog.only-apartments.it
    Source: blog.only-apartments.it

    You must be able to walk, feed, clean and administer the dog its medications. Also, make sure that you know and understand the pup’s breed. If you ever plan on taking this up as a your second job, consult your doctor for a booster first.

  10. House sit:  Many hire freelance trippers like myself to retrieve mail, water their plants, maintain their gardens and cleanliness care for elderly while they are away. These are some pretty rich people. Make sure you charge them accordingly.
  11.  Paid Blogging: Try making money by selling your words. Blogging has in a way commercialized new media pretty well. A blog post each weekend can help you make enough money. Paid blogging, reviewing, etc. are ideal ways to make money while learning all that you research through writing those posts.

    Enter: dataentryusa.com
    Enter: dataentryusa.com
  12. Data Entry: Work from home in your spare time for a company who needs people for maintaining data, say, in the form of excel sheets. Make sure that your work is legit. Always be cautioned of scam companies in such cases for the last thing you want is somebody running off with your hard earned money.
  13. Clown a gathering: Children love clown and mascot at their birthdays and parents are able enough to pay for it. Trust me, nobody is going to recognize you from inside that costume.
  14. Freelance your web designing, writing and coding skills over the weekends. You may find some good freelance opportunities at Freelancer.in.
  15. Sell bits of yourself: Yeah, really. Be a plasma donor like many others to make some quick bucks this weekend. It is a healthy habit with zero side effects and extra benefits of extra money that you can make. You may even sell your bone marrow or white blood cells over a course of three to five days.
  16. Design Clothes for friends and family and let them spread the word about your stitching skills. This promises you a fair chance at designing clothes and making money while at it. Charge as per the time spent and skills involved.

    Design your own ideas: clothingimages.usa.cc
    Design your own ideas:
  17. Direct selling of products like Avon, Tupperware and Oriflame is something that we all know about. We have all seen our mothers and sisters buying products directly dropped at the doorstep. Register yourself as a salesperson under any brand name and sell their products over the weekends saving hefty margins and tips on products.

I’m sure I must have missed out on some. Of course, I’m not a perfectionist, ya. Comment your ideas for easy ways to make money on weekends and I’ll list them giving you the credits for the same.


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