Atal Pension Yojana Scheme : APY Calculator, APY Chart

(Last Updated On: April 1, 2017)

Atal Pension Yojana(APY)

ATAL PENSION YOJANA (APY) is a scheme provided by Indian government to help the weaker section (unorganised section) to enjoy the retirement benefits and pension schemes. It’s always very difficult for the weaker section to meet their needs and thus to help the weaker section to save and help to sustain during their retirement age, the government introduced APY scheme with lower contribution rate and better return. This post provides an overview of APY calculator and how much one need to invest to achieve their goals with APY.

The APY was introduced during the Budget of 2015-16 and the scheme was first implemented from 1st June 2015. The APY scheme is administered by the PFRDA (Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority) and any contribution made under this scheme can be claimed as tax deduction under section 80CCD under the National Pension System (NPS) provisions.


There are major three factors which affect the quantum of contribution required to achieve the expected benefits:

  1. The amount of pension one wants to receive.
  2. The age at which one enrols under the APY scheme.
  3. Number of years of contribution planned

The lower the age at which one enrols and the more years of planned contribution are provided, the lower is the amount of contribution required to achieve maximum pension benefits.

The below tables will provide details of the minimum amount of contribution to be made each month for expected pension payment.

Calculation for expected pension each month

Enrollment age Years of Contribution (till 60 years) Required Monthly Contribution for expected pension of Rs.1000 per month Required Monthly Contribution for expected pension of Rs.2000 per month Required Monthly Contribution for expected pension of Rs.3000 per month Required Monthly Contribution for expected pension of Rs.4000 per month Required Monthly Contribution for expected pension of Rs.5000 per month
18 years 42 years Rs.42 Rs.84 Rs.126 Rs.168 Rs.210
19 years 41 years Rs.46 Rs.92 Rs.138 Rs.183 Rs.228
20 years 40 years Rs.50 Rs.100 Rs.150 Rs.198 Rs.248
21 years 39 years Rs.54 Rs.108 Rs.162 Rs.215 Rs.269
22 years 38 years Rs.59 Rs.117 Rs.177 Rs.234 Rs.292
23 years 37 years Rs.64 Rs.127 Rs.192 Rs.254 Rs.318
24 years 36 years Rs.70 Rs.139 Rs.208 Rs.277 Rs.346
25 years 35 years Rs.76 Rs.151 Rs.226 Rs.301 Rs.376
26 years 34 years Rs.82 Rs.164 Rs.246 Rs.327 Rs.409
27 years 33 years Rs.90 Rs.178 Rs.268 Rs.356 Rs.446
28 years 32 years Rs.97 Rs.194 Rs.292 Rs.388 Rs.485
29 years 31 years Rs.106 Rs.212 Rs.318 Rs.423 Rs.529
30 years 30 years Rs.116 Rs.231 Rs.347 Rs.462 Rs.577
31 years 29 years Rs.126 Rs.252 Rs.379 Rs.504 Rs.630
32 years 28 years Rs.138 Rs.276 Rs.414 Rs.551 Rs.689
33 years 27 years Rs.151 Rs.302 Rs.453 Rs.602 Rs.752
34 years 26 years Rs.165 Rs.330 Rs.495 Rs.659 Rs.824
35 years 25 years Rs.181 Rs.362 Rs.543 Rs.722 Rs.902
36 years 24 years Rs.198 Rs.396 Rs.594 Rs.792 Rs.990
37 years 23 years Rs.218 Rs.436 Rs.654 Rs.870 Rs.1,087
38 years 22 years Rs.240 Rs.480 Rs.720 Rs.957 Rs.1,196
39 years 21 years Rs.264 Rs.528 Rs.792 Rs.1,054 Rs.1,318
40 years 20 years Rs.291 Rs.582 Rs.873 Rs.1,164 Rs.1,454
See also  Investing in National pension scheme-Here is how to do it


Points to remember:

  1. The amount of contribution is inversely proportional to the age of enrolment of the individual subscriber.
  2. The Central Government will make additional contribution of 50% of the total contribution made by the individual subscriber that year or Rs.1000 per annum, whichever is lower to each **eligible subscriber, for a period of 5 years (**Eligible subscribers who enrolled in the APY scheme in between 2015 to 2020).

Note: Individuals who are already covered under any social security benefit (like Provident fund or Employee State Insurance Scheme) are not eligible to receive any government contribution.

  1. Under APY scheme, the subscriber must contribute for at least 20 years before claiming the benefits.
  2. The minimum contribution must be made on monthly basis. In case the individual is unable to make the respective contribution he or she would deemed as defaulters and penalties would be imposed on the individual.
  3. In case of unfortunate death of the subscriber, the entitled nominee will get minimum of the below amount as accumulated corpus fund.

Planned Pension

Expected return to nominee in case of death
Rs.1000 per month Rs.1.7 lakhs

Rs.2000 per month

Rs.3.4 lakhs

Rs.3000 per month

Rs.5.1 Lakhs

Rs.4000 per month

Rs.6.8 lakhs

Rs.5000 per month

Rs.8.5 lakhs

Eligibility for enrolment:

  1. The individual must be an Indian citizen and the age of such individual must be in between the limit of 18 to 40 years.
  2. The interested individual must have a saving bank account. can enrol themselves under scheme. (The earlier one enrols the lower is the amount of contribution required to get better benefits)

Note: The individual subscriber can continue to contribute up to age of 60 years.

See also  Atal Pension Yojana VS National Pension Scheme – Which One Is Better?

Scheme details:

Under APY scheme, the subscriber needs to open an APY account and start contributing the amount. The Central Government in addition to individual contribution will contribute 50% of the total contribution made that year by the individual subscriber or Rs.1000 per annum, whichever is lower to each **eligible subscriber, for a period of 5 years (in between 2015 to 2020).

Under the rules framed by PFRDA, the Central Government may also authorise State Governments to provide an additional co-contribution to APY subscribers, in their respective states

** Eligible subscriber here is all subscribers who have enrolled under the scheme in between June 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015.

Payment under the scheme:

The subscriber would receive monthly pension (of Rs.1000 or Rs.2000 or Rs.3000 or Rs.4000 or Rs.5000 as opted by the subscriber) during his or her retirement period (after 60 years). The subscriber cannot withdraw any amount till the age of 60 years.

At the age of 60 years the subscriber have 2 option:

  1. Withdraw the accumulated fund
  2. Opt for monthly pension till the time the person dies.

In case the subscriber dies the accumulated pension corpus would be returned to spouse or the nominee of the subscriber. The amount received by the nominee is not considered as the income of the nominee for the given year.


APY  scheme is a very good opportunity for unorganised as well as organised sector individuals to invest small savings and turn that into bigger returns.

Along with current year tax exemption claim , one can enjoy better returns on pension payment.


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