Stock Market Astrology Predictions 2016

(Last Updated On: February 2, 2016)
 stock market 1

With global markets looking shaky, China under pain, emerging markets slowing down, commodities getting thrashed , and almost all asset classes in red, the number one question in every ones mind is what will happen to my  stock portfolio, Are we going to see a sustained bear market or it will rebound, should i exit or buy on lows, while you can read all fundamental technical details, Bodhik consultant as put together his predictions based on planet movements for the stock markets.

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Key Trends for Sensex in Q1 2016

Though the trends of  global markets will have impacts on Indian stock markets due to oil prices falling and slow economic growth in China.The impact of planets shows that as planet mercury is transiting in Capricorn & will be retrograde till 26th January 2016.

As mercury  drives and controls one’s decision making, it is advised to go slow as trends will not be positive for next few days, though there will be some changes after 27th January when markets moves slowly up but again from Feb 1st till Feb 8th,as sun will transit in Capricorn and Mars in Libra, Mercury and Venus is Sagittarius ,Jupiter in Leo ,and Saturn in Scorpio. Impacts of Planets Venus &Mercury’s conjunction in Sagittarius could bring markets little down in first week but it will pick up later,Infrastructure,banking,iron and steel,pharma,tea,computer, software sectors will  see growth after 8th/9th Feb , Important dates will be  10,11,15,18,22,23,27 when the above mentioned stocks will see growth. Caution dates are 2,5,6,19 &26,the markets will be slow and the planets effects will cause disturbances. March will see 3 days, when due to planets effect market could go down but overall markets sentiments will see growth and upward trends. Stocks related to pharma, heavy industries, banking, iron&steel, printmedia could see mixed results till 17th march but later they will pickp and markets will move up again towards the end of the month, Softwaare, Cofee, tea, fertilizer sectors will see growth

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Key Trends for Sensex in Q2 2016

The effects of planets will bring some good surprise as markets will rise in april . Industries related to cement,woolen,software &chemical  will see growth during this period. People who have good mercury in their horoscope can invest wisely and reap good profits for their  investments, made during the month of April 2016.Though markets will also react to some global events.As Saturn & Mars is transiting in Scorpio.Jupiter will be in Leo,Pharma sector may see little slide before 16th April.The other industries will also get positive news and stocks will move up.The time between 14th april -23rd april will be important for markets and overall growth will be normal to good. Avoid investments on 27th april.The month of May will bring good news for share market and investors will get good results.Industries like shipping,vehicles,Petroleum,fertilizer,pharma ,banking,finance ,rubber,heavy engg industries,Iron,Public sector units,housing will also see growth.

Venus & Sun is transiting in Taurus in the initial period of june month..Saturn & Mars in scorpio and Mercury in Aries and with jupiter in Leo..The first of june will see index going up almost in all sectors but be cautious after 17th june.

Key Trends for Sensex in Q3 2016

The picture is not very positive for share markets in the first of july and there could be fall in share markets,so the caution has to be observed. This month would see the markets going up down due to planets effects.Transitions in the month of August Sun in Cancer,Mars in Scorpio,mercury,jupiter,venus in Leo,The share market will be unstable in the first half and the planet mercury will be more impactful, there will be some global news and slowdown trend of other markets will also show some impact.Advice is go slow,as later on markets will pick up again. People with good Mars in their respective horoscopes can see some gain during this month.

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September month will bring good news for share market and there will be good news for public sector, electronics, banking, pharma, Tea, Coffee industries will see upward trends. Mixed trends will remain for other industries. 8,9,13.14,20,23,26,27 will be good days for investors.                                                    

Key Trends for Sensex in Q4 2016

First 3-4 days will be good for share markets but as the planets reveal the month may see some downward trend in few industrires and they can come down.Good days for market will be 3,5,11,13 & also 17 but please be cautious on this date as banking and some other key industries will have weak sentiments from this day onward for little period.

Good news for industries like pharma after mid nov will bring hike. Public sector coal, money markets and new start-ups will show good results. First half will bring mixed results in the markets. Good dates will be 14 for few industries and other dates which will be good are  15,21,23,25,29 and 30.         

Pharma, public sector, steel ,petrol, mining, aviation, heavy engg, aluminum, electrical groups will show good upward trends in the first 12 days of december month Perfumes, films and other industries will also recover, The dates after 15/16 december may bring markets to mixed trends,as due the impact of mercury and other planets.

Tip: The markets will bring mixed results in year 2016.The first few months market will show good trends and will be positive. Be wise and take right decisions.


2 responses to “Stock Market Astrology Predictions 2016”

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